Apparently, most human seem(s) looking for freedom and peace.
So, how can they think to get it, by “fighting for”?
To fight for peace.
To force for freedom.
What’s a biggest non sens could we have than that ???
What human define by “peace” and “freedom” ?
Snails are not on “revolution”, there are even not on “passive struggle”.
They know than “fight” and “force” are definitely not “positive vibes”.
Snails know about “butterfly effect”, than some human like to call “Karma” or more rationally “causes/consequences successions”.
So, they know than revolution and struggle cannot be good on a long term vision.
As a counter-example :
Have you already seen a kid or even anyone adopts a good comportment in long-term after you have forced him for it ?
If you ask yourself two questions* :
- What would you than others do differently?
- What would you than others have as motivations to do what you are asking them?
If you stop at the first question, “to fight and force” can maybe seem a good option.
But, if you look at the second one, you will probably notice than “to fight and force” never works, because nobody want to have to pay the price later.
We all like when people do things by themself, because they understand why that make sens in their life too.
The motivations why people do somethings for us, are as important as the fact than they are effectively doing it.
*Find this two questions in : « The Surprising Purpose of Anger » or in “Nonviolent Communication” from Marshall B Rosenberg
We can also understand why it’s useless to fight and force with a straight human example :
Ask yourself if you still see a lot of telephone booth ?
Ask yourself if many people (or even someone) had carried a fight for that ?
Snails think than if telephone booth have almost disappears without anyone to care or really realize, it’s because something other more useful for most humans have been created : cellphone.
If it’s good at long term, it’s another question and it’s at humans to decide of.**
But, at least they hadn’t « fight for » to take this decision.
They did it at the snail way : creating something new, creating something more useful for all.
They don’t having had to struggle against each other for that.
**If you are interested in why human often pick short-term options, you can follow this link to read the snails definition about « What means being a kid ? »
Keep in mind than many living being don’t spend more than over 100 years on earth.
It’s kid«ish» compart to the earth age.
An experience you can try :
Ask to a friend to don’t think about a blue dinosaur.
He will get strait away a vision of a blue dinosaur in is mind and then he has to fight against the idea about the blue dinosaur.
But is done, and more he focus about “not a blue dinosaur” more he is repeating in is mind the blue dinosaur idea.
Ask to someone to imagine what you dream about, by example : a pink giraffe.
Ask your friend what is in is mind now.
Do you think there are a lot of chances than he will answer : “a blue dinosaur” ?
Did you know about this famous sentence ?
« Show the example is not the best way to convince, it’s the only one. »
In the word « convince » we can hear « win over », which is a « fight for » thing.
In « show the example » we can hear « to create interest ». If we look deeply in our interests, we will see than we all have different ones, but than there are compatible.
Snails see the world as a group game with a collective issue.
If you like music, you can as well understand that as « many voices one song ».
Be efficient is not « convince ». It’s « to create interest ». Maybe we should say « to seduce »**.
« Seduce » should be a nice word. It deserves to be understand as a peaceful and a free way to create. Not as a manipulation.
**Sofie is quite seductive and she is a beautiful balance example between strongness and flexibility
So Snails don’t “fight for”.
Fight will never be “for” something.
Fight will always be an “against” energy. People fight “against” somethings, never “for”.
A “for” energy will be a “creation”*. Making reality of what you are dreaming for.
Fight against, require a huge energy. Lot more than what you can get on yourself.
It’s pure « wasted energy », and it’s sucking all of you.
None of us (human and not even Snails) are able to survive that.
And it’s quite lucky, because it’s not only a “wasted energy”, it’s also a massive “ counterproductive energy”. It’s doing the opposite of what you are looking for.
So, just take care of yourself, be in love with yourself and enjoy building your dreams with the people happy about it and already supporting you.
You will get, more and more energy from them and that will be crazy.
You will see dreams become reality and see your energy keeping going…
You will start wondering yourself what means “dreaming” ?
And, you will ask yourself if that finally just means : being rational.
*Note :
I used the term “creation” in my sentence : A “for” energy will be a “creation”. Making reality of what you are dreaming for.
In a world where « nothing is created, nothing is lost, everything is transformed » It’s maybe more exact to say :
A “for” energy will be a “transformation”.
Hoping this transformation will be a good one.
I guess if “nothing is created, nothing is lost”, a positive transformation somewhere will suck negativity by itself somewhere else.
By example, as long as you make positive thinkings in your head, you let no room for bad ones.