Snail life meaning

My travel :

Discover magic wherever it is and make it bloom…

To discover means to learn.



social game a winning losing game

Snails understand the “world life” as a kind of society game. The thing is : « These game rules are not written anywhere ». It’s kind of part of the game to find it, to be able to play together.

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Humans have two ways to choose what to believe in. Because the « analytic system » is way too long to use and because the « intuitive system » is way to random, snails use other ways to choose what to believe in.

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Lilo awareness about death. Why Lilo hopes about the happiest version of death ? Lilo personal beliefs…

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As I love humans and as I was observing them quite long time, its feel important to me to write about this notions.

Because, we live life a complete other way when we have a nice vision of « death ».

We should could be happy about it.

Without that nice vision, we all feel the same : « lost ». Without anything really essential to drive us.


I saw, watching humans, how this topics represent a huge taboo and how life can suffer from it.

Humans have often to pick between this only two options :

  • To believe in religions : which is not what snails call an « ownmade » way to think. Have a common group vision can sometime let hard to keep his critical mind.
  • To make its own point of view. But, humans doing that way are uncommon, so the few trying it can very feel lonely and insecure about the rightness of their beliefs.


Snails don’t have a group idea about what is before and after the « world life ».

Snails don’t have religons, so it’s common to them to exchange and discuss about what it could be.

I think, it could feel good at humans to have that too. So, I thought to ask at one of them a personal point of view.

I thank, my friend Lilo who has agree to answer me and allows me to write about it on my website…