Snails want to being it and to loving it.
We know than we are part of it. We are it.
The world is what we all are together. It just shows us ourself.
There is nothing to find from outside us.
The only question to have it’s more about : Do you want to change yourself ?
Maybe not ? Why would you will change yourself ?
Are you not in love with yourself ? Why?
If, yes. That’s may be are a problem.
How can you expect from other to love you, if you don’t even have love for yourself ?
How can you think than others will find you worth, if you are not even convince of it by yourself.
And, how can you have love for others without any self love and any self trust ?
In this conditions, how can you even think to will be able to love one day the world you are making ?
All good snail learn since kid than no duty is as important as to be happy and to get started by managing to love ourself.